I came up with this last night because well even though I don’t like math I like numbers and stats, which technically that is math but let’s move on. :) I decided to do my birthday by numbers.
1-Awesome God
2- Great parents
3-Charles # in the family-Papa being Sr., Daddy being Jr., and Charles being #3 and the number of surgical scars on my neck/chest (I couldn't decide which to use so it got 2)
4-The amount of years I’ve been affiliated with Riverview
5-The number of dogs that have lived with us, even though on 2 have made the cut for the long haul
6-Number of countries I’ve been to
7-The dorm floor that I lived on in Tutty at Alabama
8-The number of cell phones I have had since age 15 and only 1 was ever lost
9-The number of treatments completed
10-The number of years I went to Camp Inagehi
11-The sum of how many time Marc Broussard’s Hope for me Yet has played in my Itunes, it’s been played 128 times(it is my favorite song ever) and has been played 128 times 1+2+8=11
12-My favorite number
13-The number of National Championship that are housed at The University of Alabama
14-The number of losses The University of Alabama football team had while I was a student 12 of those my first 2 years and only 2 in my last 2 seasons
15- Number of states I’ve been to
16-Number of sessions, special events and Mother/Daughter weekends I’ve worked at Riverview teaching archery
17-Years of school completed
18-The age when I moved off to Alabama
19-Number of letters in my name
20-The number of people inside my inner circle
21-The age in which my life changed because of a cough
22-The sum of my birthday 10+12
23-Probably the best birthday yet